Dear Parents/Guardians,

Year 2 students were excited to start their Term 3 as a normal term with face-to-face teaching for the first three weeks, but they had to switch back to remote learning to keep everyone safe and healthy. During these 5 weeks, they have worked on different projects and themes.

In English, they have been focusing on the structure and language features of a narrative. They are learning about how to use different adjectives to make their descriptions more vivid. Students are encouraged to always reread their written work, and to check their punctuation errors. Reading and comprehension strategies are an integral part of all English and Integrated Studies tasks. In Science, they have completed an unit named- ‘Watch it Grow’, in which they have learned about characteristics of living things and their life cycles.

During the Maths lessons, students have been learning about telling the time, solving multiplication and division sums. Please prompt students to learn their times tables so they can quickly recall number facts to solve multiplication and division problems.

At school, in STEM lessons, they worked in groups to construct different objects using Lego. They had to follow set instructions to build them. It was interesting to see how some teams showed fabulous team efforts to finish their projects earlier than other groups. They used clay to make their own 3 D models as part of their art lesson. Now, as we are doing remote learning, most of the Art, Music and P.E work is assigned on MyEdOnline. Please encourage students to complete and upload tasks in a timely manner.

I would like to welcome a new class member, Adam Dale Griffin to our class. It is great to see how quickly he adapted to our school routine during remote learning! He’s been doing an amazing job and has learned the tricky remote learning system in a short period of time.

I am very proud of my students, keep doing the great job! We will get through this! A BIG thanks to parents as well for their ongoing support and help at home to make this remote learning possible.

Mrs. Amninder Malhi
Year 2 Teacher